GA Founder

GA Founder
GA's Founder Supdawg

Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010


I was recently on the popular, inaccurate website rate your and the founder of GA, Supdawg, has the 2nd lowest rating of all MMSTC past and present teachers. Rose is the lowest, I know shocking. Supdawg's rating is a mere 2.2 out of 5. We need to change this and make this more accurate so people know the real truth of Supdawg. So we need all the GA memebers to rate Supdawg a 5 to get his ratings up. When your there you could also boost up some ratings of other teachers such as Erwin, G-Mac, etc. Remember, once GA, always GA.

- Teno

Carl Chan's Testimonial

"There are many things I could say about Supdawg.  About the man, the second Jesus, the Harlem pimp, the shining beacon of hope and wisdom, and most importantly The Man Who Invented Java.  But I won’t, because this would require eloquent praise and admiration far too intense for this inadequate language to express.  Instead, I will tell the story of how Supdawg saved me.

It was the darkest time of my life.  I thought Java to be so boring and useless (a huge mistake) that I would often play games in Supdawg's class.  It wasn’t long before I fell into my old, self-destructive habits of constant gaming.  I knew I had a problem when I started “playing the box, folks” having “red bloodshot eyes, folks” and being unable to “stop gaming, folks.”  I was too far gone.  Or so I thought.

Supdawg swept in and took me under his wing.  While hanging upside down and dehydrated, by chains, in his basement, I had time to reflect upon the error of my ways.  How had I let myself degenerate so far?  No matter, that was all in the past and now I had the chance to change.  I broke my chains, jumped out a window, and dodging the guard dogs, vaulted his electrical fence and ran, naked and cold, to freedom and a second chance at life.  And thanks to Supdawg, I have never looked back.
-Carl Chan

Supdawg's GA Statement of the Day

"Sometimes you must go cold turkey and pull the plug on the Box." -Supdawg

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Results of Over-Gaming

Warning GAs this could happen to you if you do not get Supdawg's treament of addicted gaming.
Fat Loser


Be Warned.


The Basics of GA

What's up Interweb? Are you constanly gaming? Even during vital life lessons such as learning Java and Solidworks? Supdawg has the program for you. GA is Gamers Anonymous and helps people deal with their excessive gaming problems. The first ever patient of GA was Carl Chan. (If your wondering good food, especially the egg rolls. You may or may not see Carl Chan. If you take a dump in there make sure not to flush. Carl will have to clean it)

Carl Chan was just a young, Asian boy who did too much gaming in a certain Supdawg's classroom. Supdawg noticed this and decided to take action. Supdawg kidnapped Carl to his house and put him through intense anti-gaming therapy. This was successful as seen in the before and after pictures.

Before GA

After GA

As you see in the pictures, Carl's eyes are shooting lasers out of them. I know what you're thinking, lasers are cool, however, this is how addicted gamers' eyes are right before they explode. The after photo clearly shows how Carl has intellectually grown as a person. Performing labs with the Hebrew Hammer, a Pollock, and Dom. Carl is clear evidence that GA works and that Supdawg is a healer. Supdawg is also Java expert, Solidworks expert, engineering expert, Lord of the Winds, Physics Pro, Ozzy Oz, and most recently broke the windspire's heart saying that he cares about solar panels more. Join GA and have your life changed forever.
