GA Founder

GA Founder
GA's Founder Supdawg

Friday, December 3, 2010

Carl Chan's Testimonial

"There are many things I could say about Supdawg.  About the man, the second Jesus, the Harlem pimp, the shining beacon of hope and wisdom, and most importantly The Man Who Invented Java.  But I won’t, because this would require eloquent praise and admiration far too intense for this inadequate language to express.  Instead, I will tell the story of how Supdawg saved me.

It was the darkest time of my life.  I thought Java to be so boring and useless (a huge mistake) that I would often play games in Supdawg's class.  It wasn’t long before I fell into my old, self-destructive habits of constant gaming.  I knew I had a problem when I started “playing the box, folks” having “red bloodshot eyes, folks” and being unable to “stop gaming, folks.”  I was too far gone.  Or so I thought.

Supdawg swept in and took me under his wing.  While hanging upside down and dehydrated, by chains, in his basement, I had time to reflect upon the error of my ways.  How had I let myself degenerate so far?  No matter, that was all in the past and now I had the chance to change.  I broke my chains, jumped out a window, and dodging the guard dogs, vaulted his electrical fence and ran, naked and cold, to freedom and a second chance at life.  And thanks to Supdawg, I have never looked back.
-Carl Chan


  1. wtf, lmfao bro; great testimonial. Tell me how I can get into rehab.

  2. lmfaoo carl.. your an inspiration
